Canyon Traffic on Verna’s Agenda



Currently the traffic light at LCAD is set to go off immediately when someone pushes the button to cross the street. The traffic lights glow amber, then solid red and then flashing red, and traffic stops. Once the signal starts flashing red, motorists are able to proceed if the crosswalk is clear. Confusing instructions for the drivers are posted, but few proceed when red lights flash. Most people stay stopped until no lights are visible. Understandably, most people do not feel comfortable driving through a cross walk when red lights are flashing.

The light should be regulated to stop traffic less frequently, like once every five minutes. It is not unreasonable to expect an LCAD student to wait to cross the street like any other pedestrian at any other stoplight in Laguna. This isn’t a radical concept. This will mean significantly less traffic disruptions on Laguna Canyon Road and our pedestrians will be safe.

The good news is that we have a candidate for city council, Verna Rollinger, who is willing to work with Caltrans on this issue. In fact, she has a demonstrated record of success working with various agencies within and outside of Laguna Beach. Verna has stated that she will work with Caltrans to help try to improve this difficult traffic issue.

Gary LeFebvre, Laguna Beach

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  1. Mr. LaFebvre: The way the light functions at the LCAD crossing makes perfect sense. If drivers do not understand the most basic rules-of-the-road, that a flashing red light is the equivalent of a stop sign, perhaps they should not be behind the wheel. It is ludicrous to suggest that the light should go off automatically “every five minutes”, so that traffic must stop even if there is nobody waiting to cross, and that pedestrians should wait 5 minutes because of the ineptitude of drivers. I support Verna Rollinger as a candidate for Laguna Beach City Council because she is an advocate for the Canyon, and would never support an idiotic idea such as that suggested in this misguided letter to the editor.


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