

Laguna Beach Independent Letters Section

Another Tax Hike Looms

Editor, City Council is once again going to spend your tax dollars like drunken sailors. They are developing a 2018 ballot measure for a citywide...

Recent Winds, Fire Underscores the Rationale

Editor, The City Council recently voted unanimously to advance the measures to bury overhead power lines in Laguna Beach.  I applaud this decision, and urge...

Council Should Reject Historical Preservation Ordinance

Editor, Please attend the 9 a.m. Dec. 16 City Council meeting. The Planning Commission ordinance revisions expands the definition of a “historical resource” under the...

Laguna’s Rules Respect Community Character

Editor, As an artist and home remodel builder, I have lived in Laguna Beach 30 years and worked multiple jobs to pay my mortgage simply to live...

Canyon Medians Need a Makeover

Our city has been working on concepts to beautify the city entrance for some time without much action. Here's an idea. As people enter...

Village Laguna Critic Speaks Up

Editor, One item left off the conversation about Park Plaza – the fire department used this route to return to the main Fire Station. This was...

Breathing Room is a Nice Trade Off

Editor, I read an article the other day about how tourists and traffic were ruining Laguna, the author longed for the good old days when...

Objections Over Park Plaza

Editor, It’s time for the silent majority to notify the City Council of your objection to blocking off Park Avenue for the Park Plaza.  We...

Make Park Plaza More Appealing, Permanent

Editor, We thank the city for extending temporary use of the Park Plaza space, but the city needs to do more. Expedite the process to install...

Let Park Go

Editor: We want to lend our voices to the cry: Let Lower Park Avenue Go back to being a street! The loss of the much needed...

Park Plaza Supporter Speaks Up

Editor, What’s up with the Park Plaza? Other recent controversies have been baby eating coyotes, kamikaze skate boarders, a $50 million parking garage, ever growing trees, the forever...

Cut Congestion Before Adding Parks

Editor, Since the Plaza at Park Avenue was installed I’ve heard mixed feelings, but most people I’ve talked to feel it has caused more of...

Closed Street Congests Traffic

Editor, City Council, “Don't be cruel." Please re-open up Park Avenue to help with traffic. Anyone who has to get across town gets jammed and if you...

Protests Over Park Place Closure

Editor, As a long term resident and mother of two small children, I could not believe my eyes when I read that the closure at...

Community Can’t Be Manufactured

Editor, Lately, there’s been a concerted attempt to remake Laguna Beach, progressed by a very vocal minority. First, they wanted to close off Forest Avenue...