Coop Tour Yields Much to Cluck About


By Rita Robinson | LB Indy

chicken coops
Judy Philips embellishes the coop she and her husband Stan devised for their home in the village.
Photo by Wendy Lynch.

Who knew backyard chicken coops were such a draw? Apparently, about 100 people who turned out mostly on bicycles this past Saturday, Nov. 1, for the second annual Laguna Beach Tour de Coop.

Clusters of bicyclists could be seen around town, visiting 16 chicken coops scattered throughout Laguna Canyon and downtown neighborhoods. The group gathered at Anneliese’s School on Laguna Canyon Road for a talk about the benefits of housing chickens, visiting two coops on their way into town.

The point of the tour is to bring the community together in a fun, interesting and sustainable activity, said event organizer Reem Khalil Bell. This year’s tour drew twice as many people as last year, including visitors from Tustin, San Juan Capistrano and Irvine.

Karen Wilson, the former chicken-keeper for the Great Park in Irvine, started the tour with a talk about the pros and cons of keeping a coop in your backyard. It requires a commitment to supply fresh water daily and a place safe from predators like raccoons, skunks and coyotes. And the rewards, fresh eggs and friendly, fascinating pets, are worth it, she attested. Chickens are

Logan and Oliver Barreth atop the coop their mother Lisa Barreth and her brother built on the side of the house off Catalina Street.Photo by Lisa Barreth.
Logan and Oliver Barreth atop the coop their mother Lisa Barreth and her brother built on the side of the house off Catalina Street.Photo by Lisa Barreth.


social and happiest when there are two or more, she said.

The “coopsters” set out on a three-loop tour to see 15 more coops that included Bluebird Canyon Farm. There, chicken-costume-clad Jessica de Stefano gave them the lowdown on Copper Marans, the heirloom breed Queen Victoria kept. The backyard coops ranged from vintage farmhouse to whimsical and ultramodern; the individuality of the owners was evident.

The tour was sponsored by Seeds Arts and Education and supported by Laguna Cyclery, Wholefoods, the Laguna Coffee Company and Transition Laguna, a group promoting sustainable living practices.

Clara Candelaria and her coop in Bluebird Canyon.
Clara Candelaria and her coop in Bluebird Canyon.





A visitor to Amy Jackson’s coop on Jasmine Street finds a new friend. Photo by Chris Prelitz
A visitor to Amy Jackson’s coop on Jasmine Street finds a new friend. Photo by Chris Prelitz





 Coop owner Mary Deluca takes pride in her agricultural outpost
Coop owner Mary Deluca takes pride in her agricultural outpost


Mary Deluca, far right, welcomes visitors to her coop and home in the village.
Mary Deluca, far right, welcomes visitors to her coop and home in the village.




Reem Khalil Bell and Andy Bell’s coop.
Reem Khalil Bell and Andy Bell’s coop.Photo by Debra Oakland.
A cutout reveals locally produced eggs by chickens in Mary Deluca's coop.
A cutout reveals locally produced eggs by chickens in Mary Deluca’s coop.
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