Citizens Speak Truth to Power



Over the last few weeks, I have seen an increase in honest letters regarding various members of Laguna Beach’s City Council. I want to compliment these brave citizens for stating what many others have known for years regarding our leaders saying one thing and then doing the exact opposite.

One of the powers of a small time political cabal is to keep knowledge of candidates and issues to a minimum, and hope the citizens don’t miss what they aren’t receiving. Another bad result is that the cabal is self-perpetuating. How can citizens make proper, knowledgeable choices if the politicians first language is deception, followed by not answering questions, enabled by local rags that employ stenographers instead of reporters.

In the previous two weeks letters, there were letters regarding Kelly’s and Rob’s saying no more spending on consultants for the village entrance, and immediately voting, at first opportunity, for more consultants. Say one thing, immediately does the opposite.  Which is an older dinosaur: The village entrance or Kelly Boyd, both relics from the last century?

The letter regarding Whalen treating his street as his own little kingdom was truly pathetic.  One day the stop sign is there; the next day it is gone because little Bobby don’t like it. I know I have been waiting for over five weeks now to get an official response to my simple complaint. Must be nice to be prince!

To succeed in Laguna Beach, you need your own dog!


Eli Grossman, Laguna Beach

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