Delighted by Local GOP Successes



I would like to gratefully thank all of my volunteers for their hard work and dedication during this election cycle. It was a battle well fought and even though we did not win at the national level, we did very well at the local level.

We supported our newly redistricted Congressman Dana Rohrbacher, representatives Alan Mansoor and Mimi Walters and our local city council candidate Steve Dicterow. All of these candidates successfully won their campaigns for election. Another victory was the defeat of Measure CC, the parcel tax. I hope I made it very clear that we are in favor of open space but not in favor of bad policy and Measure CC was just that…..bad policy.

Last but not least, we opened a Republican headquarters, which hadn’t been done in 30 years, and had a crew of volunteers to staff it every day leading up to the election. All in all, we had a very successful campaign season!

I look forward to working with you all in the future. Laguna Beach Republicans will be working on a variety of issues as they come up and holding monthly meetings starting next year. Again, thank you so very much for your support. For up to date information, please go to our website at

Thank you again,

Michele Hall, president Laguna Beach Republicans


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  1. Editor,

    While I’ll be the first to admit that Michelle Oliver Hall, formerly of United Laguna, and now president of Laguna Beach Republicans is “delightful,” I would hardly call the results from Laguna Beach delightful for Republican candidates.

    First, let’s get Steve Dicterow out of the way. I know Steve Dicterow. A past council member, he campaigned for a non-partisan City Council seat and won the support of Republicans, Democrats, and many of our large Decline-to-State contingency. This wasn’t a Republican mandate; it was a local council race. Steve’s a good guy. I didn’t vote for him, but he’s not a throwback or an embarrassment like the U.S. Representative who endorsed him.

    As for Republican candidates, they fared no better than usual in socially-liberal, environmentally-friendly Laguna. Mitt Romney, that magic-underwear clad elitist lost Laguna. Dana Rohrabacher, the anti-gay, anti-sanity drunkard also didn’t fare well in Laguna … a town that usually FAVORS drunkards and lunatics.

    So, while Irvine Cove and the decidedly MTV-esque Three Arch Bay went pink on the electoral map, the balance of our town was a nice shade of blue. Delightfully blue, despite the best efforts of the volunteers and leadership of Laguna Beach Republicans.

    And I find that fact, DECIDEDLY delightful!

    Brian Seveland
    Laguna Beach, California


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