Dipping Into a Sea of Hidden Delights



Tom Osborne’s  insightful and informative Green Light (Dec.  23) on Steinbeck, Tide Pool and Stars reveals a little- known John Steinbeck as an amateur marine biologist and his less- known friend, Dr. Ed Ricketts. In this short, beautifully articulated article, Osborne drops us into a sea of hidden delights where one can imagine Steinbeck and Dr. Ricketts as a Holmes and Watson delving the depths to reveal one of life’s great connections, a mystery between life, non-life, and the “elastic string of time.”

How perfectly apt  for entering a new year, learning more  of the string theory and its application towards  unification;  how seemingly disparate elements about which we think we know of life, others, even the most famous is only  a fraction of their  true depth and being. It is always what we don’t know that matters the most. I will think on this while voyaging to places unknown.

Thank you, Tom.

Leah Vasquez, Laguna Beach


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