Don’t Be Scammed



Certain power groups in Laguna are scheming to gain control over privately owned vacant lots around town that they call open space. They are using Measure CC to try and get control of all the land and money they can, but at your expense by raising your taxes.

Don’t be scammed. The empty lots they want to add to the city’s inventory are already open and for the most part, no matter what they imply, they will remain open.  Most of it is unbuildable. The rest won’t be built on because the owners want it that way, or compliance with tough city ordinances makes it so complex and costly to develop it will stay open forever.

You don’t need to vote to increase your taxes just so the power group can buy the targeted open land and foolishly take it off the property tax rolls, and then the city has to spend more of your tax money to take care of it forever.

Don’t be fooled, NO on Measure CC is the only smart vote for you and the city.


Dave Connell, Laguna Beach

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