Dreaming of a Green Laguna



Green architect Chris Prelitz’s proposal to transform and revitalize Laguna Beach as an eco-destination is right on the money (“Eco-Trade Not to be Ignored,” Nov. 28). In the face of economic uncertainty, art and other luxury items are the first thing to go; this fresh identity for the town could save it from eventual decline into another mediocre, slightly seedy venue where people come to simply eat, drink, and party.


Why not be ahead of the curve here in Laguna, and employ some of the ideas championed by Prelitz and other local sustainablity groups?


The plastic bag and Styrofoam bans and progress towards encouraging alternative transportation are beginning steps in the right direction. There is a lot more we can do: aggressively employing more solar energy, rainwater harvesting, electric vehicles, and supporting local and organically grown food and co-op gardening are just a few ideas. Let’s see how this town filled with creative thinkers can propel itself forward.


I cannot fathom any reason why the City Council and other planners would not jump at this opportunity to envision Laguna as Southern California’s forward-thinking Ecotopia. If marketed correctly, Laguna could immediately ensure itself as a relevant, positive, and healthy place for residents and tourists alike, for decades to come. The time is now. The future is here.


Taciana de Aguiar, Laguna Beach

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