Foursome Earn Their Wings


Laguna’s Boy Scout Troop 35 awarded the rank of Eagle Scout to four worthy young men.

Max Brown, Chad Kanner, Mason Reed and Jeffrey Spitz, who all began as scouts in first grade and are now Laguna Beach High School students, were presented with their Eagle pins this past Sunday, May 4.

Their scouting adventures included setting up camp in the rain, cooking in a box “oven,” backpacking in the Sequoias, white water rafting on the Kern River, rock climbing in Joshua Tree, and canoeing in the Boundary Waters of Minnesota.

A careful local observer might have spotted them serving meals to the homeless, involved with flag ceremonies or environmental efforts.

Their Eagle ceremony was blessed by Rev. Steve Sweet, who described the effort to attain the award: mastering skills and earning badges, acting as a troop leader, completing a project for a non-profit organization and demonstrating good character.

The troop is sponsored by Laguna Presbyterian Church and is led by Scoutmaster Doug Rubino. Contact [email protected] for more info.


From top, clockwise, Max Brown, Chad Kanner, Mason Reed and Jeffrey Spitz, newly minted Eagle Scouts
From top, clockwise, Max Brown, Chad Kanner, Mason Reed and Jeffrey Spitz, newly minted Eagle Scouts
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