Goodwill Thrives Among Students


This past holiday season all four public schools made good on the district’s commitment to make community service part of student education. Through various endeavors, students participated in everything from food drives and toy drives, to charity fundraisers and cleaning up the environment.

A friendly grade-level competition at Laguna Beach High School resulted in the collection of 1,500 pounds of food for Costa Mesa’s Someone Cares Soup Kitchen. For every pound of food donated, students received a raffle ticket for prizes donated by local businesses. The senior class won the competition by donating over 700 pounds of food.

At El Morro Elementary School, the PTA and student council rallied students for the One Warm Coat Drive, which collected over 600 coats that were donated to the Laguna Relief and Resource Center. Students also donated gift cards and groceries to give to adopted local families. El Morro students’ interest in protecting the environment aligned with ZeroTrash Laguna’s mission to clean up our community, ensuring school-wide participation in the program to keep the campus clean.

Student leaders at Thurston Middle School got their classmates to make a difference in the lives of others. They got involved with the annual holiday party at La Playa Center and collecting food box donations to the Laguna Relief and Resource Center. Leadership students joined forces with the Laguna Beach Fire Department’s “Spark of Love Toy Drive,” collecting 150 toys for children.

Top of the World students demonstrated their kindness and caring by giving up a portion of their lunchtime recess to write “Thinking of You” notes to be added to handmade gift boxes delivered to Meals on Wheels recipients with their Thanksgiving meals.

TOW fifth graders increased their school’s philanthropic clout with their annual holiday boutique (“Lessons Even Scrooge Would Admire,” Dec. 24 edition.)


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