Guest Column



By Bill Sorrels
By Bill Sorrels

Cha-ris-ma: A special quality of leadership that captures the popular imagination and inspires unswerving allegiance and devotion. -Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary. Second Edition


Muhammed Ali, Mother Teresa and John Wayne had it. Will Rogers was such a man; a boxer, a nun, an actor, a humorist. James Stewart had it in “A Wonderful Life,” that “special quality.” Whereas, sometimes there is a begrudging respect, there is always an affection and admiration. Yes, a love.

Charisma inspires the noblest of human emotions; love, devotion, admiration, a desire to honor and hold above us this charismatic individual as a beacon so that we may follow the light. These charismatic individuals bring a smile to your heart, and a lift to your spirits.

Such an individual was Brennan “Hevs” McClellan. A native son, an LBHS grad, a local lifeguard, businessman, world traveler, poet, philosopher, practical joker, iconoclast, organizer and MC for surfing competitions. A surfing legend and “water man” to ennoble all who went before and come after.

Whenever old LBHS grads gather, a respectful and responsible bend of the conversation is given to the traditional successes of individuals from our respective classes. This one became a CEO of a famous company, that one a millionaire, another a local real estate magnate, due credit to all. Then the conversation turns to the warm, the joyful, the things that make us all so proud to be from this home of the sea and the coves and the artists.

Tales of “Hevs” on top of the largest wave possibly ever ridden at the Main Beach, where the marquee at the South Coast Theater could be read over the outline of the old dance hall. “Hevs” paddling out in heavy surf, standing, facing the waves in his guard boat; then impossibly surfing that boat in on a wave.

He made life goals so much more attainable for all of us because of the holes he poked in the unapproachability of achievement. The whole town was his family and the whole town turned up and spent the night with bonfires on Main Beach, as the locals dove for “Hevs” drowned brother Joe. Later, “Hevs” mother had her ashes spread at the spot and much later “Hevs” ashes too, were spread at Bird Rock. An event covered on local and national news as “Surfing Legend Dead.”

His spirit, like a virus, had infected the memories of all my past summers. My ashes, as were “Hevs”, will also ride the waves of Bird Rock, along with countless other “old Lagunans” inspired by his memorial as they were by his life.
The Old West has Pecos Bill, the Midwest Paul Bunyan. The tales of this modern legend have only begun. There was a spirit, a presence, and enthusiasm that filled this town, a helping hand, a leader, a man!
At the recent LBHS reunion, graduates of classes from 1935 to the ‘80’s enthusiastically signed a petition to establish a tasteful monument to Brennan in the area of Main Beach. The Laguna Lifeguard Association as individuals and as a group wholeheartedly endorse and support this project and would like to see the monument placed close to the Dean Westgaard memorial lifeguard headquarters.
If there were any unofficial uniting spirit from the ‘30s through the ‘90s that made more of a positive and joyful impact on the young and the old of Lagunans, none of us know this person.


Bill Sorrells returned to his hometown after a career in Los Angeles.

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