Read the Personals

By Irene DeBasio
By Irene DeBasio

PRINCESS needed – Be my beautiful date/dancer for the Harvest Moon Ball.  You are petite, pretty and dance well. Must be under 80, dressy, able to hold your booze. Hair, teeth a must. #PrinceCharm


EX-HUSBAND yard sale – Everything MUST go. Collection of comic books, ugly sculptures, eight-track tapes, cargo pants, t-shirts, hoodies, chess game with boards, weird books, prints. #ForgottenButNotYetGone


HYPERACTIVE CAT – High-energy calico free to a good home.  Cannot take his high-jinks anymore; loves to grab toilet paper and run it everywhere.  I am exhausted. Please take him. #DennisThe MenaceCat


WEDDING GOWN – Expensive designer, size 6, bought at Neiman Marcus, Beverly Hills.  Worn only once by mistake. Gorgeous (long veil). $500 or best offer. Clean and boxed like new. #MyBigFatDivorce


JEANNIE with the light brown hair. You are a nurse, working Oceanside, rehab – I was wounded veteran you nursed back to health. Looking to repay you for the tender, loving care.  #GratefulGus

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  1. You’ve done it again, Miss De Blasio. As a proud owner of a hyper cat this made me begin the day with a laugh.

    Good morning and thank you!

  2. Geedee,

    Once again your comment has made my day. I know the hyperactive cat very well — having had one or two myself. I never thought I could be content without having a pet — but I am. It might be selfish of me but at this stage of my life I prefer having no encumbrances.
    Thanks for being a great cheerleader — keep on reading.


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