Local Chronicles an Environmental Visionary


2 write stuff 9780520283084_OsborneLocal resident Tom Osborne announced the publication of his latest work, “Coastal Sage,” which chronicles the career and accomplishments of Peter Douglas, the long-serving executive director of the California Coastal Commission.

As a result of the four-year endeavor, Osborne, also an Indy columnist, will be speaking about the book at UC Berkeley, Stanford and the Huntington Research Library in San Marino. The book is available through UC Press and Amazon.

For nearly three decades, Douglas fought to keep the California coast public, prevent overdevelopment, and safeguard habitat.


Store Entices Patrons With Top Reads

Publisher reps share their top picks of the season at a holiday party hosted by Laguna Beach Books at 6 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 7, at 1200 S. Coast Highway.

Discuss your favorite book club title and mingle with other book lovers while enjoying tasty snacks.


2 write stuff image002Library Hosts Harmonious Reading

Author Rajbir Singh discusses his book, “HIMesha,” at the Laguna Beach Library, 363 Glenneyre St., at 3:30 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 9.

The title refers to a higher power and the work includes reflections on the author’s spiritual experiences.

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  1. “Environmental visionary,” oh please! The hypocrites of the California Coastal Commission listen to the extremist rants of the Left, and impose their demands on property owners, as if to “save” the earth and all the critters therein.

    Drive on over to your book store to rub elbows with all the others who pretend to “save” the environment by screeching “climate change, climate change, climate change” and then drive to the next wine tasting, art show, book fest, play, beach activity, restaurant and invite all your neighbors.

    All you need to do is TALK about cutting out fossil fuel use, you don’t need to practice what you preach when you’re a Leftist Hypocrite, like all those on the California Coastal Commission. One recent president had her Hawaii vacation home up for sale for $20,000,000. Fly there, fly back, lecture the locals on conservation and saving gnat catchers. wink, nudge


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