Localism Is No Excuse for Rudeness



I feel I must refute the letter written to the LBI by Art Kostka (“Local Culture Lost on Ranch Opponent,” March 27, Letters).

I am very happy that at age 80 Mr. Kostka has found joy in golfing and has come to the defense of the Ranch golf course. I am 77 so I can appreciate his happiness.

What I can’t appreciate is his rudeness in stating that because Mark Fudge has a fight against the Ranch gives Mr. Kostka the right to say someone does not belong in Laguna. Shame. What right does he have to decide who stays and who goes. If Mr. Fudge (who I do not know) has the time and money to fight for what he believes is right, then good for him. Shame again, Mr. Kostka.


Mike Saitta, Laguna Beach

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