Man’s Best Friend Proves an Able Teacher, Too

Volunteer puppy raiser John Dowdy and puppy-in training Vanzetti visit El Morro students.

El Morro Elementary’s third grade students learned a lesson about service from an unusual instructor, a four-footed teacher.


Students learned about service dogs by reading a story about a puppy’s temporary home with a boy before departing for guide dog training. In addition, puppy raiser Nancy Joseph and others who volunteer with Guide Dogs For the Blind introduced their puppies-in-training at a student assembly and later visited classrooms.


“By having these service dogs visit our school, the students were

able to see the real life application of service animals,” said Principal Chris Duddy.


Teacher Tamara Wong agrees, “Having these amazing dogs on campus allows our students to interact with the trainers and their dogs personally. This experience makes the story come alive for them and is a way for children to learn about community service at an early age.”




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