McWeather or Not


Changes a Comin’

Dennis McTighe

It’s Halloween and McWeather hasn’t changed his costume for years, actually doesn’t even need one. He looks scary enough as it is!

Some extreme temperature swings, perhaps even more extreme than McWeather’s mood swings, are in store for the upcoming week or so. Check this out… Tuesday 65 degrees, Wednesday 84, Thursday 68, Friday 58 with showers likely, Saturday windy and chilly at 58, Sunday sunny and 68, Monday sunny and 75 with offshores. An active jet stream is going to be running the show for a while and that’s a good thing. No chance for fog or low clouds, finally.

October’s rainfall totaled about four tenths of an inch, which is right about normal for the month. Things start to ramp up a bit in November with a normal rainfall total of about 1.2 inches. Laguna’s wettest November was in 1965. Our warmest November day was Nov. 1, 1966, with 93 degrees and our coldest November night was Nov. 15, 1978, with 34 degrees.

More on notable October events from yesteryear… Oct. 5, 1983, saw a series of thunderstorms over a 10-hour period dropping over an inch of rain. Oct. 25, 1983 had Santa Ana winds up to 40 mph in Laguna combined with a late season Baja macker at 6-10 feet from hurricane Raymond, yet another in a long list of Baja swells that season thanks to you guessed it, Senor El Nino, back when El Ninos were still legal. Oct. 17, 1989 rocked the Bay area with a 6.9 shaker at 5:04 p.m. Oct. 3 and 4, 1985 enjoyed 95 degrees on the beach with a classic 6-8 foot severe angle Baja swell compliments of hurricane Terry. 1985 was also a very busy tropical-swell year with hurricanes nearly running through the whole alphabet. We got as far as Waldo that year. We made it up to W also in ’83 with Winnie in late November. The Atlantic side actually had to go up to the sixth letter in the Greek alphabet back in 2005. Oct. 31, 1992… Dodger Stadium with U2 rocking while an electrical storm was going on nearby. October, 1997 had an average water temp. of 71.7 degrees for the month thanks to you know who. The water temp would not drop under 70 degrees until mid November that year and was still a balmy 64 degrees as late as Christmas Day!

Time to sign out until next week, aloaha!

Dennis McTighe served as a meteorologist at Hickam Air Force Base, Hawaii from 1969 to 1972, and was an NOAA forecaster  and earned a degree in Earth Sciences from UC San Diego and has been keeping daily weather records since 1958.

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