Former Police Chief Under Fire

Former Laguna Beach police chief Mike Sellers with volunteer Jean Lamphere in 2008.

Former Laguna Beach police chief Michael Sellers is under fire for his failure to discuss how a homeless man died after a confrontation with six Fullerton police officers last month. A Fullerton City Council member wants him to resign.

Sellers took the top post in Fullerton in 2009 after serving as Laguna’s chief since 2005. He previously served as police chief in Seal Beach and started his career with the city of La Palma.

Here’s the link to the Los Angeles Times story.


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  1. Michael Sellers was police chief in Laguna Beach when Matthew Dunlevy, a homeless man, was tased and died in the Laguna Beach city jail in January 2006. The city government eventually settled an out of court lawsuit with the family for several hundred thousand dollars. Both tasers and cops like Sellers need to be booted out of our communities before more people are killed.

  2. “Laguna Beach Police were exonerated of any wrongdoing by the Orange County district attorney’s office, which investigated the death. The County Coroner ruled the death accidental by means of “acute intoxication of cocaine and ethanol.”

    “The complaint states Dunlevy was doing “jumping jacks” in the women’s bathroom and would not leave.”

    Check your facts before you open your liberal yap!

    Family settled for 250k!

  3. Of course the Laguna Beach police were exonerated by the DA. Read Amnesty Internationals report on the use of tasers on people who are in a hypermanic state as Dunlevy was. Afraid to say who you are LameLaguna? A quote to you might like: “I think therefore I am liberal”.

  4. Not rushing to judgment in the Fullerton case, but when there are two dots, it makes sense to connect them, does it not? I will only say this to LAMELaguna (apt name): if it were your troubled son, brother, or nephew who had died at the hands of police officers, would this not make you sit up and take notice? People don’t “deserve” to die.


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