A Public Forum for Dissent Benefits the Town



I wanted to express my appreciation for a recent missive Michael Ray (a friend) wrote for your paper related to the inauguration and his visit to a friend’s posting as a diplomat. I do share Mike’s views on our president and was already feeling engaged around his central thesis, but it was not that concurrence of opinion that drew me into his post.

What was winning was the way he told the story of his disaffection (ours) through the experience of the larger world: he took us into a deeply personal place that was all about the entire world. Not just a personal opinion, but connecting to the world. I was drawn in and engaged.

I read a following letter to the editor who expressed alternate points of view and criticized Michael. Good. Fine. Let folks express dissent.

Laguna Beach benefits from having a place where intelligent writings are encouraged and allowed.

We tend toward the “too safe” too often and no city ever excelled that way…

Thank you.


Adam Schwerner, Laguna Beach



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