Quest for Improved Access



As many know, over the years (and, I hear from others, even decades), various people have pushed for easier, safer access to the beautiful fire road walk from the Top of the World side, similar to what has existed for a long time from the Moulton Meadows (Arch Beach) side.

I am very appreciative of the first steps made to help out with access linking TOW to the fire road. For walkers like us, it makes it much more enjoyable and certainly less dangerous, as these steps help walkers negotiate the steep and slippery terrain and help separate bikers from hikers.

The access from the TOW street side, however, is still unimproved, steep and rutted. And after the recent rains, it becomes quite treacherous – really making passage to the fire road impossible.

An improved route along the city easement there would provide better access to the fire road, making many of us regular walkers very happy, and more importantly, keep us safe by making the trail more navigable and separating hikers and walkers.

This would also achieve the goal of reducing traffic and pollution by encouraging parents and children to walk or bike to school instead of driving down and up two hills several times each day.

Roger Kempler,

Laguna Beach

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