SchoolPower’s Floral Gala Blooms With Possibilities

Organizers Kim Ressler, left, and Patience Shutts enjoy a hug, celebrating shepherding Schoolpower’s gala to a new fundraising record.

SchoolPower’s 27th annual dinner dance on March 3 raised a record $330,000 for Laguna’s four public schools.


President Marcus Skenderian called the gala “an amazing experience of celebration and support for our schools.”


Inspired by event chairs Patience Shutts and Kim Ressler, committee volunteers created a floral wonderland of blooms spilling out from every corner. Many of the 300 guests dressed in bright hues and added to the atmosphere. “From the big picture vision, down to the smallest detail, they thought of everything and worked tirelessly to make it happen,” enthused Skenderian.


This year’s event managed to break records at every turn, including a first ever raffle for a McKenna Volkswagen, which brought in $50,000 before the event even began. “We’ve been trying to think of ways to reach out to people beyond our parents,” said raffle organizer Kim Ressler, who recruited trustee Brent Martini and student Jack Winter, who created a video commercial. The winner of the 2012 VW Beetle was local parent Dave Leppo.


Guests also surpassed expectations in supporting the 2012 fund-a-need, “Into the Lab,” which aimed to raise $68,100 for upgrades to LBHS’s science program. Thanks to participation from more guests and key donors Stephen J. and Chantal Cloobeck, Holly and David Wilson and Hearts of Montage, the crowd collectively pledged $100,000 in a few short minutes.


In addition, the Cloobecks donated an additional $100,000 to SchoolPower.

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