Schools Host Program on Teen Drug, Alcohol Use


School officials and California Youth Services are hosting a 6:30 p.m. parent education program on Monday, Nov. 5, in the Laguna Beach High School Library about drug and alcohol usage as well as results of the 2012 California Healthy Kids Survey .

“Our California Healthy Kids Survey data tells us that 48% of our seniors, 26% of 10th graders and 7% of eighth-graders reported having at least one drink in the 30 days prior to the survey, which was administered in the spring. That number is significant and troubling,” said Irene White, the district’s director of special education and student services. “Marijuana use was also high. Twenty-four percent of current seniors, 15% of 10th graders and 1% of our 8th graders reported using marijuana. We have clearly pinpointed the window of time when teens begin experimenting with drugs and alcohol and we must work together to do everything we can to decrease adolescent alcohol and drug use.”

Topics to be presented include:

– Current drug/alcohol trends in Laguna Beach and Orange County;

– How to have an honest conversation with your child.

– What to do if you suspect your son/daughter is using?

– Current resources and recommendations from CYS.

Presenters include LBHS Asst. Principal Robert Billinger, Laguna Beach police Detective Larry Bammer, sheriff’s drug recognition expect Brian Nissen, and CYS Executive Director Margie Diaz.

“I strongly encourage all parents to attend with their son or daughter as we work to reduce drug and/or alcohol use among our youth,” Billinger said.

Parents interested in attending are asked to RSVP to Mr. Billinger at [email protected].

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