Speed Cautions Apply to Police Also



I read with interest the report, “Inquiry of Officer’s Death Resolves Without Charges”. The officer’s…”Estimated..speed (was)…between 59 and 61 m.p.h.” The investigation (by our police department, I presume), “concludes..that the motorist was primarily at fault, but…”(the officer’s)…speed was a contributing factor”.

Why is it not the other way around?

Travelling at 60 m.p.h. is equivalent to travelling at 1 mile or 5,280 feet per minute or 88 feet per second! Research is abundent that, ….”very few drivers can get onto the brakes within half a second…to two-thirds…to a full second …at which a driver seeing a hazard can stop…”

I am extremely sorry for the officer’s death, but I believe that speed was the primary fault of the officer’s death and speed cautions apply as much to police officials as they do to all other individuals!

Dr. A. R. Bhatia, Laguna Beach

Editor’s Note: The findings were by the CHP’s major accident investigation team.

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