Spreading Auto Congestion



“Expect delays on Downtown streets as warm weather brings additional visitors.  Police Staff are directing traffic at key intersections [Forest at Glenneyre] to keep vehicles moving.” This comes from city hall in the form of an email alert.

Ever one: drivers only passing through, townies, shopping visitors, beach going visitors, shop keepers, fire and police departments hate bumper to bumper auto congestion. Please concider this: why is city hall promoting drivers to leave the county highway system to use Forest Avenue instead of using Highway 133 and Highway 1. I understand the principle of spreading auto congestion, but is this speeding good for townies or our shop keepers?


Michael Hoag, Laguna Beach

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  1. If you have ever visited neighboring city’s that share the interstate , you would notice there are one or two extra lanes for traffic where as Laguna has resisted attempts by Caltrans to increase the width of PCH. because it would detract from the village atmosphere, same with toll or freeway access and the width of Laguna Canyon Rd. In the interest of residents and visitors during peak traffic hours , they have helped aliviate inter -arterial traffic congestion, which also saves energy and improves air quality.


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