Wisdom Workout


 Stepping Courageously into the Future

Susan Velasquez

The Laguna Beach Woman’s Club, located on St. Ann’s Drive, is in a creative mode. They’ve added a free monthly speaker series. The events are both free and easy. No long night meetings or early morning appointments. No expensive lunch dates. The intent of this noon meet-up that happens on the first Wednesday of the month is to provide an opportunity to socialize in a casual environment and learn something new while you are at it.

    Last week’s Wednesday speaker at the Brown Bag Chic (bring your own lunch, dessert and beverage supplied; open to all) was Elsa Brizzi, a skilled presenter and prominent educator, who lives in town. Elsa delivered a presentation on “Perception – What You See Is What You Hear!”

    Her main message was that what we see triggers our self-talk. Often the internal messages we hear are from our past and may be clouding our vision in the present. The conversation was lively and interesting around this topic and many shared that when they let go of old, worn out perceptions, the benefit is an expansion in their ability to create happier, healthier lives today. The next opportunity to participate in these worthwhile events is next month, Wednesday, Sept. 7, noon to 1 p.m.

   Elsa’s presentation got me thinking about how being bogged down in the past or overly worried about the future can negatively impact the quality of our present reality.

    What if you could wake up tomorrow with a solid sense of who you are minus any of the residual pain from past decisions or experiences that didn’t turn out the way you wanted? If this were possible, you would be solidly connected to your core, confident and capable of managing your life with clarity and positive enthusiasm.

    Your feet would be solidly planted in the present; able to say yes when you mean yes and no when you mean no, without hesitation or confusion.

    Self-mastery comes from the ability to stand firmly in the present, aware that the point of your personal power to choose is always rooted in the present. It takes courage to hone the skill of cutting through the debris of our past like a fine surgeon who doesn’t cut unless he/she can also suture a wound.

    The past longs to gift us with usable insights that will give us the wisdom to make broader, more discerning choices today.

    There is alchemy at work when your past, your present and your future convene in the present moment. Does this seem like an impossible task? Are you holding yourself hostage to what you term unredeemable mistakes? Are you living out a prison sentence by shuffling through the present, unwilling or unable to envision a future that is alive with renewed enthusiasm?

    I am going to let you in on an important secret. There is a short cut that can be taken to position yourself in the present, freed from the debilitating aspects of a too serious approach to being responsible for your life.

    Here it is. Recall one recent incident that is worthy of this statement: “I wouldn’t have missed this for the world.” It may be an experience of a person, a place, a situation, a job, a vacation, or simply a kiss from Life that touched your body, mind, heart and soul simultaneously.

    Just one of those moments, wholeheartedly appreciated, gives you permission to stand up, ready to create anew. Why? Because this perfect moment could not exist and would not have happened without every previous moment that came before it, whether judged harshly as bad or good, right or wrong.

    The point of power is in the present. Gather up all the delight in life you can hold and courageously step into the creation of your future right now.


Susan will be Woman’s Club next Brown Bag Chic speaker Sept. 7.  She is the author of “Beyond Intellect: Journey Into the Wisdom of Your Intuitive Mind.” Learn more at http://www.susanvelasquez.com, http://www.beyondintellect or (949) 494-7773.


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