Wisdom Workout



The Price of Fame


By Susan McNeal Velasquez
By Susan McNeal Velasquez

Lately, I’ve been too busy to write. It has become difficult to accomplish much of anything because there are just too many requests for my attention.

You might say that it sounds like I need to learn to establish clear boundaries that will keep me protected from the demands of others.

Easy for you to say, but when I am constantly receiving personal urgent communications, begging for my help on a daily basis from people who are involved in trying to capture the most important job in the country, it is very difficult to ignore their requests.

I don’t know how it happened, but important political people have chosen me to confide in and frankly I’m not immune to how ego enhancing that is.

I’ve been invited to come to New York to see “Hamilton,” partly I imagine because they asked me to participate financially in a pet project they are passionate about and want to thank me for my help. I would have gone, but I’ve already seen “Hamilton” and I would feel guilty about taking up a seat that would deny someone else the opportunity to see that incredible Broadway show.

It is Sunday and I opened my computer to check my e-mail. I don’t want to get behind and can’t even miss a day without paying the price of having hours of messages that are marked urgent.

I understand we are in the middle of the political season and that the need for my attention is paramount and frankly, I am not willing to take responsibility for single-handedly threatening our core democracy because I decided to be selfish with my time.

Having said that, I suspect that some of these political people have let it slip that maybe I can also help out in other areas. I’m not sure how I feel about that since I value confidentiality and expected they would keep it under wraps that I am part of their winning strategy.

As an example, I have a few doctors who are desperate to share their newest research on healing modalities. The format that they most favor requires me to watch a power point presentation that talks incessantly at me and when it becomes just too much for me to listen one minute more, they get a bit annoyed and I know it because I have to click a little box that says: “Yes, I know that I am leaving this page and yes, I am sure that is what I want to do.”

Here are some of the headlines of a few of the requests that came in just today.

Both candidates for the presidency want me to put my credibility on the line to endorse them. A vice-president nominee sent a message that said: “Susan, let’s meet up!” That one made me nervous because that would require face-to-face time. Plus, he is a married man and I question whether that would be appropriate.

Now, to be fair, they have also expressed their deep gratitude for my help so I hope I haven’t given the impression that they are rude takers with no manners. They consistently send gracious thank you notes and I am appreciative.

I apologize for complaining about my popularity, but frankly there is truth in the adage: “Too much of a good thing is still too much.”


Susan is a local author, facilitator and executive coach. susanvelasquez.com

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  1. It’s so true! But this isn’t the first time that the weight of the world rests solely on the shoulders of one person. JoJo just went through something similar on the season finale of “The Bachelorette”. Sounds like this election it will be up to you to decide who gets that final rose!


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