Writer Aims to Cultivate Conversation



What if Laguna Beach became famous for the art of conversation?

In spite of Facebook, Twitter, email, etc., they say the art of talking directly to other humans is dying. Research has shown that even talking to total strangers can be worthwhile.

The visiting daughter of a senior couple participated in a conversation on a recent Friday at the Susi Q senior lunch. She ended up wanting to take a photo with her “smart phone” of everyone at the table and passed it around for all to see.

A lady at the bus stop near the Laguna Hills Mall asked me about using OCTA route #89. I helped her understand where the 89 goes. I went shopping, got a burger and returned to the bus stop and the lady was there waiting for the Laguna bound 89. We talked about the mall and the bus system and both ended up on the 89 going west.

Listening is the key to good conversation and being thoughtful about what you say is important too.

Perhaps our “art colony” can be known for the art of good conversation. Why not?

Roger Carter, Laguna Beach


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