Another Icon Bites the Dust



I am so very wistful. Our vintage movie theatre, which to me was one of Laguna’s few iconic venues left in this resort town, is gone. Closed forever. No longer will I see Mike the manager’s smiling face. No longer to smell the oily popcorn as I walk up to the balcony, looking for the most comfortable seat in the front row so I might discretely slip off my flip flops and rest my toes against the cool concrete railing.

I took comfort in knowing I could beat the heat and tourist noises by walking to the little theatre and slipping inside that air-conditioned darkness. Of course in the daytime, I was usually the only patron in the balcony. But I never felt alone because the old curtain meant to keep the outside sounds muffled was never really drawn shut. I was privy to conversations in the movie foyer best kept private.

He always presented first-run releases. On weekends, when a new film came out, rather than driving to those impersonal, Vegas-like spaces showing 12 films, I took comfort in knowing I could walk to our city’s finest, sit in solitude and munch on the forbidden Milk Duds or Red Hots and relax for a few hours. No matter that the film was bad.

I was saddened to learn that a person who had the capital to keep the theatre going was denied that opportunity. Another one bites the dust. And I am hoping that someone had a party for Mike and his ticket-takers, and gave them a lovely farewell.

Now I suppose we can all look forward to another Mexican, Italian, Chinese or seafood palace serving as many people as the law permits.

I will miss that little village theatre. I am sorry that many residents chose to see first-run films at other venues… Regal, Edwards, Regency, etc., which do not smell of rancid popcorn and whose padded seats recline. But our movie house was a little tarnished diamond. I will miss Mike, who always gave away free tickets for every fundraiser gift basket, who always had a smile, and would give you a free candy on your way out. No reclining seat in any big neon theater can replace him, nor can a new seafood restaurant replace our old movie house.


Jahn M. Levitt, Laguna Beach

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