Buyers Step Up for Art


Live Auction 016Artist donated works raised $255,000 for Laguna Art Museum’s education and exhibition programs at a well-attended art auction fundraiser showcasing works by 113 California artists last Saturday, Feb. 9.

Based on preliminary numbers, the museum expects to net $175,000, better than its anticipated $120,000 goal and an improvement from similar auctions held in the two previous years, according to a statement.

The top four works sold at the event were in the live auction and included “Triple Light Wedge” by Laddie John Dill, which sold for $29,000; “Northern Train in Snow” by Theodore Svenningsen, which sold for $11,000; a commissioned portrait by Don Bachardy, which sold for $10,000; and “19 Rabbit” by Kim MacConnell, which sold for $9,000.Party 003

Eighteen of the 115 works sold at or above value, and all 20 items in the live auction sold, which has not been the case in recent years. Thirty-nine artists (the most in recent years) chose to donate 100 percent of the proceeds to the museum, versus the option of donating 70 percent, according to a museum statement.

The top item sold in the silent auction was “185. Street Flower” by Jeff Koegel which sold for $8,050. Seventy-six percent of the works sold (compared to 70 % in 2012), and the remaining pieces are available on the museum’s website through Sunday, Feb. 17.

Silent Auction 012About 450 people attended, including 45 of the 113 featured artists. Guests enjoyed a sampling of gastropub fare from Nirvana Grille, Broadway by Amar Santana, Romeo Cucina, Tamarind of London, and Katsuya; beverages from the Wine Gallery; and live art performances by Mimi Yoon and John Park.

The event was organized by Sara Heeschen, Michele Monda, and Sarah Thorne-Markman with the help of Jennifer Karam, Elizabeth Kramer, Deborah Lake, and Director of Special Events Sarah Strozza.

Silent Auction 048


Laguna Art Museum’s annual auction was a bigger than expected financial success.

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