Ebell Club of Laguna Taps New Directors


Six new directors have joined the Board of Directors of Ebell Club of Laguna Beach, one of the oldest and most active philanthropies in town.

Elected officers for 2020-21 include: President Leslie Anne Mogul, Vice President Samantha Mullaney, Treasurer Michelle Highberg, Director Sue Winner, Director Robin Woods, and Corresponding Secretary Janine Luciano.

Ebell Club is a social and philanthropic organization with members residing in Laguna communities and surrounding areas. Funds raised by the club are returned to the community in support of a variety of charitable organizations, education, and scientific projects.

Although the club is traditionally dark during the summer months, board members and committee chairs have been planning for the club’s first virtual membership meeting on Sept. 14. Club hospitality activities traditionally include monthly dinner meetings at member’s homes, and fundraisers around town with community members participating.

According to newly-appointed President Leslie Anne Mogul, in order to follow state guidance against gatherings due to COVID-19, Ebell’s energy and focus will be directed toward maintaining friendships, membership, and relationships with community organizations.

Resumption of traditional fundraising may be delayed, and it is likely that meetings and/or communications for a group as large as Ebell, with more than 55 members, will be virtual through part or all of the new fiscal year. Monthly small group activities with members attending virtually are in the works.

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