Election Tests Iseman’s Record



It is important in life to have a good exit strategy.  When all the signs say it is time to take a new road in life, we need to read the signals, turn in the right direction, seek new horizons.

Mayor Elizabeth Pearson showed us how it is done.  In a dignified way she let us know she would not seek another term.  No drama, no surprises, a class act.

As a result, Pearson leaves intact a strong legacy, including her truly inspired and unsurpassed leadership as our mayor during the Bluebird landslide crisis.  Despite the national media spotlight, she stayed focused on coordinating policy and programs that not only enabled a full recovery, but averted costly lawsuits and facilitated relief to victims in need of a helping hand in the face of real hardship.

Elizabeth generously shared credit for what was accomplished on her watch with the City Council, city staff, Resource Center, Board of Realtors and all who contributed.  That is why it seemed more than a little desperate for Toni Iseman to pat herself on the back for the Bluebird slide as a success story for her at the Village Laguna candidate forum.

Toni has done good in our community that she can point to in her campaign.  Why embarrass herself by exaggerating her role just to inflate her resume?  If she does not think she has enough to show for her 16 years on the City Council and needs to embellish her record to go for 20 years, maybe she should have taken the last turnoff before the point of no return.

Now her record must be put to the test.  Fortunately, there is time for us to do that in a respectful but clear and accurate way before the election. The voters of our town deserve no less.

Howard Hills, Laguna Beach

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