Former Cigar Maker, Turns Captain of Commerce


A 1921 biographical sketch on the Jahraus family, now in its
2_laguna home companion New_History_logofifth-generation locally. Linda Jahruas described her family history at a Heritage Month event last week.

Part 2

jahraus history
Elmer Jahraus, on left, and his son, Joe, on right.

Among Elmer Ellsworth Jahraus’ many other activities, he is president of the Chamber of Commerce, vice-president of the Associated Chambers of Commerce of Orange County, one of the members of the board of control of the Laguna Beach Art Association, which is making this beach a Mecca for artists from far and wide, and he was for many years a member of the school board. During the war he was chairman of the Liberty Loan Committee of Laguna Beach, and as one of its four-minute speakers did much to further their drives. During his youthful days he served for four years in the Ohio State Militia, and was detailed for service at Cincinnati during the riot that caused such disturbances there in 1884. Politically Mr. Jahraus lies not actively aligned himself with any party, preferring to give his support to the best men and measures, regardless of party affiliations.

Mr. Jahraus’ marriage united him with Miss Henrietta Beadle, the daughter of Mr. and

Jahraus history
Joe and Susan Vennum married Oct. 3, 1923 in Riverside’s Mission Inn. The couple met through serendipity. At the time, all telegram deliveries were made from Laguna Beach Lumber. Joe met Susan when delivering a telegram from a suitor.

Mrs. Joseph Beadle, both natives of England, who were for many years engaged in the hotel and mercantile business in Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Jahraus are the parents of two children, Joseph R. and Pauline, the latter graduating from the State Normal School at Los Angeles in 1920.

Joseph R. Jahraus enlisted on April 1, 1918, in the Thirty-third Engineers Corps, U. S. A. Stationed at Fort Douglas, Utah, for one month, he was then sent to Camp Devens, Mass., thence overseas, landing at Brest, France, July 12, 1918. He was on one of sixteen troop ships, sailing under a convoy of two battleships and six destroyers, and when they reached the submarine zone they were met by a fleet of twenty-four destroyers, and as they neared the coast of France they were under the protection of three dirigibles and many small craft. Mr. Jahraus was detailed at once to active service as a wagoner in the Engineer Corps, and was overseas ten months. Arriving

jahraus history
Father and son, Joe and Richard Jahraus, about 1932 above Boat Canyon

in America May 1, 1919, he was given his honorable discharge at the Presidio at San Francisco, June 2, 1919.

In October, 1914, Joseph R. Jahraus organized the Laguna Beach Lumber Company, being president of the same, and except for the period of his overseas service he has served continuously as manager of the business. Their shipping station is at Irvine, on the Santa Fe Railroad, and all lumber is hauled by truck to Laguna Beach. The company is enjoying the heaviest business in its history, and this bids fair to increase greatly with the continued growth of Laguna Beach.

The Jahraus family all stand high in the regard of the residents of Laguna Beach and

Jahraus history
The inner workings of the old lumberyard on Forest Avenue.

enjoy a well-deserved popularity there, for they are everywhere recognized as among the most enthusiastic and dependable workers for the best interests of this attractive beach town. They are members of the Episcopal Church at Santa Ana and prominent in its circles.



Jahraus history
Elmer built this home about 1911, which was used as a boarding house for many years. He and his wife lived in the home, overlooking what is now Heisler Park. It was rebuilt in 1977 and is still occupied by the Jahraus clan.

By Samuel Armor, “History of Orange County with Biographical Sketches,”

Historic Record Company, Los Angeles, 1921, Page 586


Photos courtesy of Linda Jahraus

The first Jahraus family home, bungalows on Glenneyre Street.
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