The Great Honeybee Mystery




Alert! Honeybees have been mysteriously disappearing across the planet, literally vanishing from their hives, and the cause is still being debated by scientists.

Did you know that a bee can pollinate 100,000 flowers a day, but who is counting? Thanks to bees and the wind, our crops get pollinated, and we have food to eat. One out of three bites of your food depends on the work of bees. Their liquid gold is the nectar of the gods, and flower pollen is a food for bees and people.

Bees are a sensitive indicator of environmental quality, and they are giving us a warning and telling us we are not honoring the body of the earth.

A signal has been going out from bee-keepers all over the world about the pesticides that are now being used on many crops, which science is discovering is causing Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD). The young are fed pollen from systemic pesticides (long lasting and persistent synthetic). The young die and the bees leave these toxic fields. Good health and the environment are at risk.

Transition Laguna Beach, a local organization of citizens committed to educating the community, will be hosting a documentary screening of “Vanishing of the Bees” at the Regency South Coast Cinema Thursday, Dec. 9, at 7 p.m. in downtown Laguna Beach. This documentary examines the alarming disappearance of honeybees.

Tickets are $12 and include a Q&A with producers, snacks, and live music.

Justin Gresh

Laguna Beach


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