Historic Eucalyptus, a View Battle Casualty



Regarding a recent letter to the editor (“Plant Choices Guides by Maintenance, Water Use,” Jan. 23) how much longer must we endure the character assassination of Ann Christoph and the thin thread that our “blame artists” cling to when connecting her to what the reader calls “the great fire that besieged our city.”

Isn’t it time we recognized the difference between a natural disaster and the real life, self-inflicted wounds that continue to hurt our city?

How about a frank discussion about the hurt that this town suffers each time we vote to look more like the city of Irvine? How about the damage we expose ourselves to as we vote to neuter our hillsides?  How about the visual damage we do when we level anything green that’s more than five feet high. Or how about the antics of the folks who build their oversized houses in our hills and then lobby for a scorched earth policy that clears their view all the way to the sea, while claiming it’s for the common good.

Shake yourself. It’s not a fire nor a flood that will forever alter this beautiful city. It’s those folks who selfishly impose their simple views on a city steeped in beauty and history, and all for only a moment in the sun.

And a “sun” now too glaring thanks to the constant removal of trees. But please don’t fret about the historic eucalyptus. You’ll be pleased to know that they’re almost all gone, thanks to a team of vigilantes that work to identify and eradicate them, much like the undocumented immigrants they believe them to be.


Mace Morse, Laguna Beach

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