Historic Preservation Info Available on the City’s Website



City staff has been assigned to revise the Historic Preservation Ordinance by the City Council and there has been a great deal of misinformation disseminated with the intent to scare owners of historic cottages. Many of these issues are covered in the City’s list of Frequently Asked Questions about historic preservation on its website.

For example: If my property is a historic resource:

Can I make repairs? Yes. In-kind repairs and in-kind replacement of deteriorated features of a building are allowed without CEQA review.

Can I add on? Yes. The Heritage Committee reviews proposed additions and changes to historic properties, and many are approved every year. Retaining the exterior historic character of the building is the overriding criterion.

Will the ordinance impair the value of my property? All properties are different, but realtors report that buyers are especially seeking buildings with historic Laguna character and these houses sell readily at market prices. The potential for Mills Act property tax relief is a significant benefit for new buyers.


Gene Felder, Laguna Beach


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