Lessons in Career Planning


More than 25 speakers representing an array of career opportunities participated in the recent Thurston Middle School Career Day.

“Career Day was a great example of how this community gives back to Thurston students,” said counselor Nance Morrissey. “The speakers inspired the students to think about their futures and to realize that the personal qualities of being conscientious, diligent, and friendly combine to create success.”

The speakers represented the array of career opportunities in today’s global economy, ranging from airline pilot, skateboard manufacturer, pediatrician, esthetician, film director, environmentalist and many others.

Presentations included information about the speaker’s education, experiences and people who influenced their career. “Students need to know that careers require more than education and experience,” said Morrissey. “When I communicate with the presenters, they continually remark that networking and personal qualities are two components that make a person successful.”

Writer and director Rob Hedden is a frequent volunteer speaker for the event. “The reason I volunteer for Career Day at Thurston is simple: it’s an amazing program. The opportunity for middle school kids to be exposed to such a wide variety of career paths definitely inspires them, along with those of us lucky enough to participate. It’s especially rewarding for me since I grew up in Laguna and attended Thurston, as did our three sons. It’s wonderful to have it come full circle.”

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