Let’s Adopt: It’s Patriotic


This letter was also addressed to members of the City Council and city manager.


At the City Council meeting I did not intend to speak; I was only there to support my American Legion comrade Bill Sandlin.

Bill and a Marine’s wife who serves as liaison for these activities were at the City Council to request that the city and we citizens consider adopting a group from the US Marine Corps ase.

Adopting a military unit is something many other nearby cities have already done. Cities adopting and supporting nearby military groups, Navy ships, and air wings from nearby military bases is happening all across the country. However, the concept could not be explained to the City Council and others attending the meeting in just the few minutes allowed during public comments. Therefore I did take the opportunity to speak for a minute and note that “adopting” has become a patriotic function where cities and civilians can demonstrate their appreciation for what our military is doing for us all. But most importantly, give the council the contact information so that they can fully investigate the request.

This is what I would also have said if time had permitted: I recommend that the council appoint one or two members to investigate the request, gather more details about adopting a military group, and maybe even check with those nearby cities that have already done it to see how it works. Then, if they see the patriotic value, put it on the agenda for a future council meeting where it can be fully discussed with the citizens and media. I would also have pointed out to the council and fellow citizens that this specific request was to adopt one of the several USMC battalions at Camp Pendleton.

A battalion is typically about 300 troops, mostly very young men and women patriots, who have volunteered to risk life and limb to serve us and our country.  They certainly deserve all the support and love we can give them.


Dave Connell, Laguna Beach

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