Letter: A Place for Laguna Beach Youth


As a community, especially during a global pandemic, we need to come together more than ever. However, this election has shown a lot of hate from both sides. I am a Laguna local who recently turned 18, and I am excited to vote in my first election. But the messaging about our local city council candidates has left me confused on who to vote for.

Laguna Beach is a wonderful community that attracts a lot of attention from all over the world due to its artistry, beauty and beaches. But local teenagers are irritated at the insufficiency of activities and opportunities, which makes us travel to other cities. As a voter who now has a voice in this community, I am telling you there is nothing to do if you are under the age of 21. The only recreational activities in this community are going to bars, dining at restaurants that are crazy expensive, going to little shops that all sell the same thing, going to the beaches to drink and then going to people’s houses to drink some more. There needs to be safe alternatives for this generation without the use of drugs or alcohol. Some ideas are movies, music venues, escape rooms, VR arcades, a skate park, and art galleries that appeal to us. Which two candidates have these types of businesses on their radar?

The selection of food in this town is also very narrow. Wahoo’s, Gina’s Pizza, and Active Culture are the only places for us to go to a counter to get good food for a cheap price. Taco Bell and Jack in the Box are the only fast food places in Laguna, and they sell an unhealthy selection. We need more fast-casual places that offer a healthier selection.

You may think: “You’re only going to vote in one election, kid – what does it matter what you think?” Well, kids go off to college, and they need a place that makes it worth coming home to. As long as my home address is in Laguna Beach, I can vote in our local election! Right now, my generation does not want to stay in Laguna to start their families because we want to venture off where there are more opportunities. We need to remove the restrictions that bind the old Laguna to the incoming modern Laguna. Our voice is the future of Laguna, and the elder generation that want these restrictions in place, are not.

So, tell me, which two candidates care most about us?

Eric Silva, Laguna Beach

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