Letter: Another Rude Email


As a life-long activist, I’ve always believed in being involved in my community and beyond. I like to be informed and participate in government whenever possible. To that end, when I learned that Heidi Miller had closed the Newsstand on Ocean Avenue because the city had built a parklet in front of her business, I wrote a letter to the City Council to express concern. I said I can accept that a restaurant might give up parking spaces for more seating because it will benefit them, but it seems unfair that a local business has to give up their parking space to benefit a restaurant around the corner.

A number of residents wrote similar courteous emails and we all received the same one word response from Councilmember Peter Blake. It was an image of a gauge with the arrow all the way into the red that said bulls**t and nothing more.

Is this the leadership we want for our city? I know a number of people who said they voted for him because they wanted a change. Is this what you had in mind?

Anne Caenn, Laguna Beach

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  1. One More Touchdown For PETER OUR LEADER! . . Keep the faith Sir. We did elect you to call B.S. when you see it

  2. Thanks for exposing the uncivil communication behavior of Peter Blake. This city representative has absolutely no idea how to communicate in a respectful and effective manner. Sadly, I hear from so many who voted for him in good faith that thought he would actually address city hall management and spending and resolve the LB homeless problems as he stated he would do in his campaigning. Clearly, he’s failed. This self-admitted bully’s rude and aggressive approach to constituents that don’t support his self-serving and special interest ideas nor foulness has caused once proud Lagunian’s an embarrassment level never before experienced. Vote in the 2022 Council election for a respectable LB citizen with the expertise, experience, interpersonal and leadership skills to get Laguna’s peaceful and respected reputation back on track.

  3. Mr. Blake may not be too “smooth” with his mouth, but he at least is standing up to the “Village” clowns that profess to want to keep it that way; sorry, but the “big Money” is here and change is inevitable.
    Respect for Mr.. Blake and oh yes, Term Limits for our Council Members.


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