Letter: Coordinated Attacks By Pro-Developers?


What – is it only a coincidence that Michael Ray of Liberate Laguna and pro-development Councilmember Peter Blake publicly attacked outspoken activists in the media in the same week? Or maybe it’s a concerted effort to silence residents such as Michele Monda and others who defend residents’ rights and openly reject aggressive development agendas.

One has to ask if Michele Monda took the biggest beating because her recent Indy column clearly spelled out why the Laguna Residents First Ballot Initiative is in residents’ best interests.

Hilariously, Ray’s Indy column tried to pillory Monda for living in a nice home. As if he’s a monk living in a shack when his Laguna home is no less palatial. And as if this had a single thing to do with the overdevelopment plans Ray denies contemplating for Laguna.

Equally laughable is his soft-peddled denial that he’s a developer when he owns Sanderson J. Ray Development company.

Everyone knows that developer political contributions are bribes. So when Ray says that Liberate Laguna’s $250,000 contributions to elect three pro-development councilmembers have no bearing on civic decisions, it’s ludicrous. Consider the source.

He asks where Monda has been for the past 40 years. Given the degree of corruption and Liberate Laguna’s new development threats to our village lifestyle, many residents are now much more involved in city politics than ever before. Like so many others, she prefers to fight back rather than be used as a doormat by developers and their politicians.

Meanwhile, over at KXFM, the uncivil tag-team of Blake and Ray verbally assaulted numerous residents and councilmembers. This crass one-sided political opposition smack-down was full of false accusations—all part of their continued ongoing smear campaign against Village Laguna, while name-calling citizens such as Monda, John Thomas, Mike Morris, Heidi Miller, Councilmembers Toni Iseman and George Weiss – and me – all of us (but Miller) accused of lying. Liars calling others liars see page one of the dirty politics playbook.

Not surprising, given Blake’s three-year temper tantrum tirade to silence everyone he disagrees with, especially in city council meetings. “You’re an idiot,” seems to be his favorite response to citizens. His crude, insulting, hostile behavior is designed to intimidate residents so he and other pro-development acolytes can literally bulldoze over Laguna.

Given this much opposition and full-on personal attacks, it would seem that Monda and other vocal activists like me have made these pro-development interests nervous. I strongly urge readers to revisit her “Seeking Balance With The Ballot Initiative” column.

See for yourself what the hubbub is all about.

MJ Abraham, Laguna Beach

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  1. Is there anything you don’t complain about? Say what you may about Peter, but I find you to be the one constantly belittling and attacking residents that do not agree with your small minded group. I hate to break it to you, but most locals like the direction things are taking in town. We were starting to feel like Laguna woods for a minute. Glad to see energy back and people walking the streets. Michele is a rude woman, all it takes is one look at the hate she spews on Nextdoor along with that Pudwill dude.

  2. Thank you Susan. These two individuals are known for their monstrous personal attack tactics. I was sincerely pleased to see that others called them out as well. It needed to be done.

    Fact is – the people we should really thank are the 2020 Laguna Election Voters who rejected Michael Ray’s Liberate Laguna PAC pro-development candidates and their self-interest agendas. This suggests that respectable locals don’t want to support or be associated with people like this. Spread the word. Vote in 2022 for healthier and more respectable city leaders. Thanks.


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