Letter: Council Caters to Visitors vs Residents


The City Council once again has chosen to cater to visitors instead of serving the residents of Laguna Beach. The Council authorized $1.15 million from the Parking Fund for “design, and environmental and geotechnical analysis … for a downtown parking structure”.

Many speakers at the Sept. 8 City Council Zoom meeting noted approvingly that money from the Parking Fund should be used for used for visitor parking.

However, most of the six million visitors to Laguna Beach provide us no tax revenue; the biggest exception is quarters and credit cards to pay for parking. Thus, in past years, after the collection and enforcement costs, Parking Fund monies have been used to mitigate the burdens caused by visitors and to improve the quality of life of the residents.

The money in the Parking Fund is completely discretionary, The City Council can spend it in any way they so determine. Over the years, money has been transferred from the Parking Fund to the General Fund for additional positions for the police and/or fire departments. Money has been transferred to the Transit Fund for buses and trolleys. Money has been transferred from the Parking Fund to the Open Space Fund for the purchase of open space. Money in the Parking Fund has been earmarked as possible source for repair of the Public Works Administration Digester building on Laguna Canyon Road.

The Parking Fund fully discretionary money should be used to protect the quality-of-life of the residents. As in the past, money should be transferred from the Parking Fund to the General Fund for enhanced police and fire protection. The neighborhoods are being overrun by criminal activity and additional police resources are desperately needed. Criminals, such as extensive graffiti at the Carolyn Wood View Knoll, cannot be identified due to inadequate cameras there.

There are wildfires occurring throughout the state of California and the Fire Department requires additional resources including the Defensible Space Inspector position which was deleted from the last City budget.

The City Council should serve the residents, and not cater to the visitors.

Gene Felder, Laguna Beach

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