Letter: Easy Access to Public Information Is Essential


To the Laguna Beach Unified School District Staff that compiled links to my public records request, thank you. In an effort to create a transparent and open flow of information, data and District accountability I requested the following PRR’s. Easy access to information is critical, basic and complex data sought by parents. While the answers provided by the District aren’t specific, links to source of specific information provided, further evaluation is needed. To staff that initially compiled reports—thank you. I know many of you and appreciate you. Please refer to lbusd.org/board/public-records for response document with links to information where provided. Some information is forthcoming. Unanswered seeking further clarifications.

The following PRR’s were requested on Aug. 9 and response received Aug. 10 which follows Section 6253, California Government Code
1. Please provide the cost of all admin/management salaries per year for the past 5 years
including a projection for this 22-23 year.
a. Please provide the “cost per student by year” as well? How much per student is
spent on salaries at the administration/ management level
2. Please provide the number of full-time and part-time personnel employed for the past 5
years including this year as of today, Aug. 9.
a. Please include the number retired, number resigned, number terminated each year
3. Please provide the total enrollment as of today, Aug. 9 for the 22-23 school year by
grade level/school for Elementary and for the past 5 years.
4. Please provide the number of students that have officially withdrawn from the District
from July 2020 – January 2022.
5. Please provide the number of students that have enrolled since January 2022 to Aug. 9
or date of record search.
6. Please provide the number of students that have officially withdrawn from the District
from January 2022 to Aug. 9 or date of record search.
7. Please provide all studies conducted by and on behalf of LBUSD on the St. Catherine of
Siena School Property. In addition, please include cost projections compared to student
enrollment projections.
8. Please provide the CAASP Results for the last five years including the 21-22 school year.
9. Please provide the AP test score results for the last five years by class including number
of class enrollments and number enrolled in actual exam.
10. Please provide overall district funding for Arts Education at each school for the last five
years by year. At the secondary, please indicate – music, theater, dance, fine arts as
separate line items.
11. Please provide the total legal fees spent on district lawsuits and district legal counsel to
the School Board for the last seven years.

Sheri Morgan, Laguna Beach

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  1. Another misinformed attempt to justify concerns ‘for the children’. There’s nothing LUSD would love to do than make sure you see they’re spending enough money “per child”. So where’s the Learning-Quality-Concern? Why don’t you get copies of the history books that show the kids are taught more about Slavery & The Black Panthers and their victimization than World War I of II, or the truth about Civil War. It’s a clear curriculum issue to us who moved to private schools that are more responsible to parents instead of the state. Requests? Shouldn’t even have to know.


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