Letter: Endorsing George Weiss for Council


How fortunate we are to have George Weiss running for City Council. He’s uncommonly well suited for the job.

I have gotten to know George over the past few years, working side by side on a native plant restoration project in the horseshoe arroyo of Bluebird Canyon. There’s nothing quite like pulling weeds together as a way of getting to know someone. George is unafraid of hard work, a boon companion. He’s a man of integrity. He’s smart and he likes honesty. He cares deeply about the residents of Laguna and the beauty of our town.

What I find most impressive about George is his ability to analyze our politics. He is discerning about what is going on, he knows what battles will be fought, he does his homework and he can see where decisions will lead  He is motivated by a desire to do well for the residents of Laguna, build bridges to smart development and make our city a delight.

George doesn’t fit into any particular slot. He thinks. He listens. He acts. He has my most enthusiastic vote.

Chris Reed, Village Resident

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