Letter: From Mariann Tracy’s Treasurer


It has come to my attention that Mariann Tracy is being attacked in the media and in town for her financial reporting with regards to her campaign for City Clerk. As her treasurer, I would like to make the following comments.

When preparing a report of donations, I count the donations that have hit the bank account during the financial reporting period.  A donation in the amount of $190.00 was made to the PayPal account and was placed “On Hold.” In my experience, when this happens, the donation has a chance of being returned or recalled by the donor. This represents the “error” on the reporting. Of course, there was no error, but Mariann’s opponent and her boyfriend have taken it upon themselves to use this as a tool against her.

Also to that point, both Ann Marie and Ed Steinfield asked me to be the treasurer for Ann Marie’s campaign.  Thank God I declined that job! Boy, they must really be worried. 

I would like to publically state, that any supposed “Error” is on me.  If anyone would like to blame someone for the way the reporting was completed, blame me.  Although it is correct and true, I am the Treasurer and take full responsibility. That said, it is also not the job of the current City Clerk, Lisette Chel, to re-do the math or check the reports for mistakes. Her job is to turn them in when they are received.

Come on people… grow up and look at the real issues that face your town.

Anne Petronave-McGraw, Laguna Beach

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