Letter: Is LBUSD ‘Green?’


The Laguna Beach School Board touts itself as being “green.”

The word has several definitions. Here are two. Which is most consistent with LBUSD’s 10-year plan proposal?

 1. “Concerned with and supporting environmentalism” (Merriam-Webster.com) or 2. “bad idea, wrong, inappropriate”(Onlineslangdictionary.com).

The Redevelopment Plan calls for 40,000 square feet of new multistory buildings, multi-story parking lots, elevated tennis courts and pools with even higher fences and lights shining directly into homes. In addition, increased water/chlorine evaporation from the large pools, more noise, light and traffic pollution. Bulldozing and relocating tennis courts and pool means dust, noise, diesel trucks and congestion.

Ask a neighbor which definition of “green” characterizes the plan. Please.  

Merton Hill, Laguna Beach

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  1. A bit of an exaggeration. Just think if all this redevelopment goes away. So will the value of homes as Laguna becomes a sanctuary for homeless hanging out in shuddered hotels and businesses.

    The real issue of concern as far as green goes is cars idling at red lights because Caltrans won’t time the lights correctly.


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