Letter: Nothing But Sour Grapes


It has been over three weeks since the end of the election, yet Michael Ray in his most recent column continues to re-litigate the election, which appears to be nothing but sour grapes for Liberate Laguna’s candidate Larry Nokes losing badly to both George Weiss and Ruben Flores and then blaming Village Laguna for it.  The voters decided the election and chose the course they want Council to take. Liberate Laguna should respect the will of the voters.

The public is tired of the sore losers we are getting from Washington. We certainly don’t need it in Laguna. It is time we put the rancor, finger-pointing and politics aside and simply congratulate the winners, Bob Whalen and George Weiss. Let’s just wish them well on the Council.

Alan Boinus, Laguna Beach

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