Letter: Politics Are Not My Thing


Politics are not my thing. Never have been. I’ve always said I’m a passionate, educated parent with a long history being actively involved with our District and Board.  I’m tremendously proud of the campaign we ran and the support behind the effort. We brought forth facts, information and shined a light on the District and the need for change. My campaign rose above the smear efforts and the current board fighting for status quo. I’m proud to have been surrounded by supporters from all sides of the proverbial aisle and celebrate that collaborative voice in our most important community asset, our schools and our kids. I’m proud that so many supporters came from within our school and district leadership, current and past, some loudly and some quietly behind the scenes. Should say a lot for how badly we need change. The number of votes cast should tell district administration and leadership that it isn’t a “small group of parents that are never happy.” The Board should see clearly now that I do not stand alone in the fight demanding quality education for our kids and that we need better, more robust options for all.

I’m honored and humbled by so many that entrusted their voice to me. This collective voice offered the opportunity to explore ideas and issues thru a variety of lenses rather than exclusively thru party lines. We were focused on change, not just “winning.” While I voted Democrat, our local Democrat group only extended opportunities to two of the four candidates despite multiple requests for my non-partisan platform to be heard which leads me to believe that that they are tone deaf to local politics and it wasn’t about the best candidate, but of “winning” along party lines. School Board should be non-partisan. 

Regardless, I’m proud to have been a change agent. Sometimes we need disruption to shine a light on the issues and I think, with over 6,000 plus votes for change, the Administration and this board should take notice. The community isn’t happy. The fact that the Board came out and violated their own policies to endorse their own candidates, should tell people something. If our district continues to virtually educate our kids despite the approved trimester model created to allow in person learning, and board member Peggy Wolff stating that other districts would never open because they don’t have cohorts—yet they are—perhaps the fight isn’t over. Regardless, I’m forever grateful for this opportunity. In community and with deepest regards.

Sheri Morgan, Laguna Beach

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