Letter: Pudwill Needs To Back Up Claims


Mr. Pudwill, facts seem to get in your way when writing letters to the editor. Personally, I would like you to show proof that the city council has appointed pro-developer members to the planning commission. Where and from whom did you get proof of that statement? You are running for City Council and yet all you seem to be able to do is spread a bevy of misinformation and made-up facts to suit your personal agenda. If you can show me and the good folks who serve and serve well on the planning commission that we are in the pockets of developers as you claim, then I will take back everything I say here and will vote for you. I will put my record and that of my fellow commissioners up against your lack of public service any day. Show me proof of your claims, (which do not exist), or try living in the real world where good people work hard at keeping our community moving forward. Your lack of respect and facts does a disservice to our hamlet and is something we do not need on City Council.

Jorg Dubin, chair of the planning commission

Jerome Pudwill is currently running for City Council. (Ed.)

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