Letter: Regarding Fried’s Column on Longi’s Project


Oh, where have you gone Billy Boy, Billy Boy? Oh, where have you gone darlin’ Billy? Because it is obviously not to the land of facts and truth. But then, why should you make that effort when it is so much easier to lie back in the false sun of misinformation, distortion of truth and a fictional narrative worthy of a Stephen King novel? The real facts of the sorry saga of the Longi development are a public record easily obtainable by anyone with a respect for process and the public record. Of course, you are not so much interested in that as you are to be the mouthpiece of those who have no respect for the canyon other than to exploit it at the expense of residents. Residents, by the way, who also have legal rights, and have committed themselves, with minimal resources, to ensuring that this sensitive environmental watershed is not destroyed. It may be added they have done so with no help from a city planning department that almost never sees a Negative Declaration it doesn’t like, nor a Conditional Use Permit that isn’t justified. As for granting approvals for construction under the requirements of its LCP, if it were not for the authority of the California Coastal Commission, Laguna Beach would have even less protection for its unique topography. One has only to look at the pictures of the last rains for edification. The canyon is a creek bed. This is California, and while it is dry a lot of the time, until the developer elite in this town can find a way to bribe Mother Nature, it is going to flow when the rains come. Does it not make sense that if there has to be construction in the Canyon it is set back from the boundaries of a natural watershed? Of course, it would help if these watercourses had been mapped as the city should have done years ago. But why let the facts interfere with your biased and uninformed essay. You have been blessed with your own private platform by a generous, if somewhat editorially unbalanced media outlet. So, carry on. Proceed full speed ahead with your canonization of the “long suffering Mr. Longi.” The residents, and those who love and sincerely respect the canyon, are the true martyrs here.


Cindalee Hall, Laguna Beach


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  1. “Oh, where have you gone Billy Boy, Billy Boy?” An excellent article Cindalee. Nobody knows where Billy Fried now resides after he sold his home in Laguna Beach and moved out of town.
    Biased Billy Boy continues to use his LB Indy editorial to promote his propaganda to serve the interest of the largest developer shareholder. Biased Billy Boy effectively utilized the local radio station to support and promote his favored candidate(s) during the last election. Now, the largest developer sits on the local Radio station board to enjoy the personal benefit of free radio promotion delivered by Billy Boy. When you own the media you control the narrative.
    Biased Billy Boy take your rhetoric and propaganda with you since you are no longer a resident of Laguna Beach


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