Letter: Regarding Michael Ray’s Musings


Michael Ray’s latest fabrication—he said I marched down Forest Avenue to protest the Promenade.

A number of women marched down Forest to celebrate the Suffragettes. We wore white. We had a banner.

Should he retract his lie? When will he stop making up lies?

There seems to be no consequence.

Toni Iseman, Laguna Beach city councilmember

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  1. Toni, you did everything possible to stop The Promenade, including going into stores to stir up opposition.

    BTW, I STILL have a Freedom of Information Request in to see all your emails for a six month period. You had 21 days by law to do so or explain why. YOU HAVE PROVIDED

  2. Frankly, I’m curious as to when he learns that CAP LOCKING is not only the online equivalent of shouting, those with this affliction are seldom listened to……..But perhaps he’s getting accustomed to being ignored without his sidekick to chime in?
    Am I the only one whose noticed that Baltimore (The Mynah Bird) Billy hasn’t jumped in, must be off on another fabulous sojourn to an exotic, expensive place? Maybe down in Cuernavaca supervising the building of his ranchito along with the other resort ricos?
    And hey, Mikey? She’s not a federal case, maybe another hole in your education is that here in Cali we use the California Public Records Act for state, county and local jurisdictions—-NOT the FOIA:
    “Since 1967, the FOIA has provided the public the right to request access to recordgfrom any federal agency.”
    So, maybe THAT explains why you haven’t heard back Mikey, and if this is an example of what you didn’t absorb in junior high school, in your social studies classes, what else don’t you know and when didn’t you know it?
    “Don’t cling to a mistake just because you spent a lot of time making it”- Aubrey de Grey
    “A fanatic is one who can’t change his mind and won’t change the subject.”— Sir Winston Churchill


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