Letter: Regarding Sam Goldstein’s Guest Column


Mr. Goldstein may object to being called a ‘developer,’ but he really can’t object to the following fact:

He, his wife, Michael Ray, Chris Dornin and Mohammad Honarkar — five people — came up with $152,000 to elect Peter Blake and Sue Kempf to City Council.

This year, minus Honarkar, the remaining four have come up with $82,000 to elect Larry Nokes, Bob Whalen and Mariann Tracy.

Village Laguna with hundreds of donors doesn’t even come close.

If Liberate Laguna’s current slate is elected, they will control four of the five seats on the City Council and the City Clerk.

Do we really want to allow four or five very rich people to determine who governs our city? I do not.

Two years of Peter Blake are two years too many. Whalen and Kempf have done nothing to enforce their own code of civility nor address real reform in the city’s handling of development. The Montage may have taken years to get right but it is a real addition to Laguna Beach and serves all of us. That is successful development.

The City Council needs people who will represent all of our interests and not the mercenary objectives and timelines of a few.

Voting for George Weiss and Ruben Flores will help restore some balance to our Council.

Kiku Terasaki, Laguna Beach

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